
Research Team

The research team included Dr. Priya Bala-Miller (Palmyra Partners Consulting Inc.) and Dr. Kevin Hanna (Centre for Environmental Assessment Research – CEAR at the University of British Columbia – UBC).

Review Methodology

The research team was asked to develop a brief review and synopsis of the literature and existing guidance on Benefit Agreements (BAs). The review draws on a database of literature on benefit agreements compiled by Ayan Aman (2020), in collaboration with Dr. Jocelyn Fraser and Dr. Priya Bala-Miller. A more detailed overview of the review methodology is available here.

Reviewers and Advisors

Feedback and guidance on the report was gratefully received from Karen Ogen, Kim Baird, Donald MacLachlan, Rick Krehbiel, and Board members on behalf of the FNLNGA. Jeff Nishima Miller at CEAR-UBC also provided valuable insights on one of the case studies. Abigail Cruickshank provided substantial input to the critical issue brief on linkages between Benefit Agreements and Environmental Impact Assessments.

Publication Design

Andrea Carter
